Nestled between the picturesque mountains of Piketberg and Citrusdal, lies Winkelshoek. This family farm has been in the Hanekom family since 1925 “Winkelshoek Wine Cellars (Pty) Ltd. a wholesale liquor company was founded by the current owner’s father H.A.C Snr in 1954.
Since 1954, Winkelshoek Wine Cellar operated from the farm. Hennie Hanekom Junior ventured a new undertaking in 1997 and started a new production cellar on a separate part of the family farm, today known as “Schenkfontein”. The wholesale liquor company was relocated to Piketberg to more suitable premises two years later in 1999.
In 2008 Hennie started a small production cellar on the farm Schenkfontein. Capacity of the cellar has been increased over the following years. New plantings followed and the improvement of the cellar went on as the years followed. The farm is planted with 23 hectares of vines consisting of the Pinotage, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Shiraz, Chenin Blanc, Colombar, and Muscat de Alexandrie. The adjacent farm, Kliprivier was purchased in 2011 and is currently under development by planting by the planting of more vines.